Life insurance is not about you, but rather a means to safeguard the financial well-being of your loved ones in case of an unfortunate event. In the event that your income is no longer available, life insurance can be the only thing that prevents your family from experiencing financial difficulties. It’s all about protecting the ones you love and making sure they don’t suffer financially.

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a necessary safeguard against the unexpected events in life. It addresses the question of “what if?” – What if the worst happens and I die unexpectedly? Will my family be able to keep our home? Will my children have the means to pursue higher education? Will my loved ones have the funds to cover my funeral expenses? Life insurance offers financial assistance to those affected by such unforeseen circumstances. It’s a way to plan for the unknown and provide for your loved ones in case of an emergency.

Whole Life Insurance and Term Life Insurance

When it comes to life insurance, there are two main options: whole life and term life. The specific circumstances of your life such as age, income and other factors will help determine which type of policy and how much coverage is suitable for you. However, one thing remains constant: the need for funds to cover funeral and final expenses will always be present.

If your loved ones would face financial challenges in the event of your loss of income, consider combining a term life policy with a whole life policy. This can provide additional protection during your prime earning and wealth building years.

Whole Life Insurance

  • Provides coverage for your entire life

  • Premiums never increase during ownership of your whole life policy

  • Builds cash and loan value

Term Life Insurance

  • Provides coverage for a limited period of time

  • After that period, policyholders typically pay increased premiums to continue coverage

  • Usually less expensive than whole life insurance

Terminal Illness Rider

An Accelerated Benefit rider is an option that can be added to a life insurance policy at no extra cost to the policyholder. This rider allows the policyholder to receive 50% of the coverage amount if they are diagnosed with a terminal illness and have a life expectancy of less than 12 months. The policy premiums remain unchanged after the Accelerated Benefit is paid, and the beneficiary will receive the remaining policy proceeds upon the policyholder’s death. For detailed information on the benefits, terms, conditions, and exclusions of specific policies, and availability, please consult your insurance agent or American Income Life.